A credit card grace period is essentially the amount of time between your billing date and the conclusion of your billing cycle, which allows you to pay off your entire balance without incurring late payments or penalties. Missing a credit card payment on this date is never advisable. It can neither hurt your finances nor increase the overall interest rate on your outstanding balance. However, missing an individual credit card payment can wreak havoc on your credit rating. Every time you miss a payment, the clock begins ticking towards the due date for that month's statement. And if you haven't paid off your entire balance within this specified period, then your account will be reported as “paid”, rather than being included in your credit report as “pending”.
When you're looking for the best way to avoid paying late fees or interest charges on your credit cards, credit card grace periods are a major consideration. In this regard, there are many different factors that can determine the appropriate grace periods. One of those factors is the type of credit card you possess. Here are some examples of different types of credit card grace periods:
If you own a credit card with a very short billing cycle – for example, two weeks – then you need to be aware of the limitations associated with that type of account. Most cards have a grace period of ten days, so you should avoid paying the full amount at any time, even if you don't see any money left to save. If you make all your monthly payments on time during your grace period, then after your next billing cycle, your balances will be consolidated into single monthly payments. The amount you will save by avoiding late payments will be reflected in your statement and will be added to the principal amount you will pay on your bill. You will not be charged interest on this additional amount.
An alternative to a two-week billing cycle is a tri-weekly billing cycle. With a tri-weekly billing cycle, you make your initial payment on a Friday, followed by payments on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. By making your payments on time, your balances will remain low until your next due date. If you avoid incurring any late payments during your credit card grace period, you will not accrue interest during this time. Instead, your interest will be reduced until you pay the bill on time each month. Once you've paid your bill for three months in a row, your interest rate will be permanently reduced.
A four-week billing cycle works best for those who want to avoid interest charges, but don't want to miss their due dates. For this type of grace period, you will pay your bill in four installments. Make sure to make your payments on time as outlined in the agreement. Once the fourth week of the billing cycle has come up, you'll have the option to do an additional payment and get additional time to pay.
When it comes to credit card companies, they may give you great deals if you plan ahead. If you are paying on time, you are demonstrating responsibility. If you are paying late, you are showing that you may not take advantage of special offers. If you plan your payments in advance, you can take advantage of any special offers that are available. Just be sure that you understand all the terms and conditions of the credit card companies you are working with.
source http://www.quantitativeinvestmentgroup.com/how-to-take-advantage-of-credit-card-company-offers/
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