A credit card authorization form is basically a legal document, signed by an authorized cardholder, which grants a business, credit card issuer, or cash advance company permission to charge a cardholder for a specified period of time as stated in that authorization. Often the form is used as a legal authorization to give companies the ongoing authority to periodically charge the cardholder for a specified amount on a regular, recurring basis. For example, if the cardholders pay a certain percentage of their total debt off each month, the company might grant them permission to charge that amount on a monthly basis. However, there are various other uses as well.
Many companies rely on this particular type of bill pay form to make sure that all billing information is correct. If unauthorized individual billing information or obtains incorrect information and attempts to make payments without authorization, the company could be held legally liable and incur charges for processing the payments improperly. Without the form, it would be very difficult to check that the data entered was correct or accurate. As soon as processing begins on an unauthorized person's account, however, the billing information must be corrected immediately so that proper credit card authorization can be established.
One important feature of this type of bill pay form is the ability for authorized users to make payments through online forms. Most companies will accept credit cards online at various websites, including major retailers like Amazon, Best Buy, Target, Wal-Mart, etc. In today's age of e-commerce, credit card payments are increasingly sent through electronic means. When payments are made through an electronic system, the bank verifies the payment using electronic methods, such as a password and encryption technology. Therefore, most online companies that use electronic payment processing will accept credit cards via these types of systems.
The credit card authorization form will also contain provisions that allow the company to make changes to payments once the process has begun. In many cases, this will mean that payments will be debited from the designated account at the end of each billing cycle. Changes may be made to payments as the company determines necessary based upon the volume of sales generated each month. For example, some businesses may change their logo design on a regular basis. These may be made at the end of every billing cycle or as a part of a credit card authorization form.
As part of the credit card authorization form, a company will authorize a chargeback once a specified number of chargebacks have occurred. A chargeback is an attempt by the customer's credit card provider to recover monies that have been illegally charged to the client's account. A chargeback can occur for a variety of reasons, including the refusal of a customer to properly complete an online form, errors in billing, or an error in inputting data. If a chargeback occurs, the company will need to manually input the necessary details into the system so as to ensure that the necessary changes have been manually input and processed appropriately.
The processing of credit card authorization forms will occur in two separate components: a manual processing component and a web-based component. The manual processing component will need to access the necessary details as set forth in the CVC and then manually input the necessary details into the CVC database. This means that it will take quite some time for the credit card authorization forms to be processed. This is because the credit card authorization forms will need to be manually input, reviewed, approved, and entered into the system. On the other hand, the web-based CVC application will use a virtual private network (VPN) that will allow transactions to be sent through various secure connections.
source http://www.quantitativeinvestmentgroup.com/how-are-credit-card-authorization-forms-automated/
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